Authored by Maya Liebert


Types of biomedical research in a medical dissertation

Medical scientific work can be based on the descriptive or analytical form of biomedical research.

Descriptive research

This method includes a detailed study of symptoms, variants of the course of certain types of diseases in several groups of patients of different age categories in order to write my paper for me in no time.

The method of choosing the required description depends on several factors - the number of observations for certain patients, the type of data obtained (quantitative / qualitative), the relationship of the samples.

To exclude insignificant data, factor analysis or the Kaiser criterion is used - it all depends on the topic of work and the desired end result. For more information, it is recommended that you contact service or your supervisor for advice or specialized companies for the layout / correct formatting of the content of the thesis.

Analytical research

This type of research simplifies the identification of factors that directly affect the etiology and pathogenesis of a particular disease. It is divided into two types: experimental (using different approaches in treatment), observational (using existing material).

The quantitative and qualitative assessment of the presented data simplifies the perception of complex material with the help of illustrative examples. The author from essay writing help is recommended to apply sociological methods, questioning the selected audience of respondents - this contributes to obtaining important practical results on the dissertation topic.

On what categories of persons is it prohibited to conduct clinical trials?

According to the provisions of clause 6 of Article 43 of the Federal Law "On the Circulation of Medicines", clinical trials of an invented medicinal product are prohibited for five categories of citizens. If you think that this topic is too hard for you, consider law essay writing service in order to pass your test.

  • Orphans, children who have not reached the age of majority, left without parental care.
  • Women during pregnancy / lactation. An exception is a study of a drug intended for this category of patients with maximum consideration of possible risks (threats of pregnancy failure, loss of milk during breastfeeding, etc.).
  • Servicemen. An exception is checking the efficacy of a drug developed for use in military operations (treatment of biological burns of various types, elimination of radiation effects on the human body, etc.).
  • Law enforcement officials.
  • Persons in remand prison and prisoners.

Clinical trials in children are permitted only with the written consent of the parents / guardians and in cases where the action of the drug is aimed at strengthening immunity / preventing infectious diseases. Preliminary research on adult patients is a must for degree applicants!

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